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b8ikm4rfv.politicalpage.rk.hindushahi@blogger.com People* wit'h asthma have what *are+ sometimes cal_led "sensiti+zed" +airways. Chec,k yourse-lf now.- Pain medicine.s are al'so called an*algesics,. Every type -of pa-in medicine has +benef.its and +risks. Some a-ntibiotics are e_ffective a,g-ainst certain+ types of bacte_ria; *others ca,n fight -many bacteria. Accu+rate_ dosage an.d doctor's supe_rvi'sion is v_ital in pai+n management! *Act responsi-bly!- Drastic _and unrealistic d,iet & be*havior c-hanges,- like crash diet_s can se'riously d_amage you*r health! We off_er you an u.npreceden*ted op'portuni.ty of buy.ing cheap chole.sterol low*ering drugs+! Br'onchial tubes tha+t are chroni-cally _inflam_ed become ov_erly sensit.ive to alle-rgens or+ irrita+nts. There ar.e no mag,ic foods or .drinks that can- help yo+u overc+ome obesity. But_ .there is one medic,ine_! Asthma affects a.s ma-ny as 10% t+o 12% of childr-e*n in the United S+tates. Are* your kids* safe+? Asthma is a chr,o-nic lung di.sease that infl_ames a,nd narrows the_ airways.' Pay a.ttention! As'thma is 'a condition th_at af+fects millions o.f people an-d inhibits w'ha-t they do ,in their lives'. ED is inabil-it+y to consistently_ attain a_n erecti.on sufficie_nt for ,satisfa'ctory sexual perfor+mance. _What are the *mos,t popular m,ethods of ,erectile dysf-unction tr-eatment? Lea_rn mor_e now! Men sho.uld, take breaks when 'cycl_ing long dist*ances, as i+t can badly. affect ere'c'tile function. The* mor_e you know about ,your, medicatio.n befor_e taking it the be,tter -for you! *Believe m-e! A broad spect*rum an.tibiotic is us,eful for tre-at'ing infect'ions that might. be caused by* bacte'ria. Anot+her study reve,als +that older adu,lts 'are more likely to* die fro'm asthma+. Are you pro-tected*? Painkil.lers are the ,most abus*ed type of .prescription _drugs by, teenagers, f+ollowed+ by stim+ulants.' If your c*hild produc_es whistl_ing or hissin_g soun,ds with each br.eath, 'may be it+s asthma atta_ck. The- number of p-eople with -asthma in the* USA has gro+wn rapi-dly in rece'nt years. Wa*tch ou_t! Acc-ording to the st,atistics, one ou.t of three a+dult Americans+ is obese.. Thin*k of what ,you eat. Your ,asthm*a management plan _is *supposed to inclu_de 'the medicat-ions used' for quic_k relief! Your sym+pto+ms may be mild+ during+ one asthma_ attack, and sever+e during an_other one. *Narcotic pain re+lievers re.duce' the mot+ility of stoma'ch cont,ents thro+ugh the digest'ive tr,act. Peopl'e nowaday.s search more for 'painkille'r rehab -centers than *other d.rug or al.cohol r-ehabs. Sometimes*, antibiot_ics destro_y the g,ood bacteria t,hat you ne_ed to a.id in _digestion. -Watch out! How- much wei'ght are yo'u going to lo*se? Th*is medicati*on will -help you lo.se as muc+h as you n-eed! Recent _research fi,nds tha*t use of high-d_ose 'opioids does .not sign*ificantly inc'rease+ risk of death. Al'lerg+y can take .you all by +surprise all .of a s*udden e.ven when y-ou are driving a _car! 'Take car-e! Men without ide*ntity *and a sense of* *purpose often_ develo.p serious masculine. he+alth probl+ems. Myth: Alcoh+ol use caus+es erectil*e p+roblems. Man_y poor p,eople still- blame al+cohol for impoten_ce. This +mont.h we sell -most popu+lar pharmacy 'product,s at lowest pri_ces ever s-een! Chol.esterol hel,ps yo*ur body b,uild cells+, insulate ner*ves, &_ produce hormone_s. Read m,ore… Fi'ghting obe,sity is na+turally exhaustin,g! You*'d bett+er eat a heart-y suppe*r before ,you go on d,ieting! T-he aim o'f taking pain r.elie_f medications is, to mak,e sure tha_t the pain contr.ol is c.onsta,nt. Differe*nt kinds of_ food pois*oning can also +provoke -sympto*ms that are simil_ar .food all,ergy. Allergy s*ymptoms g.ive you a si.gnal th*at it's _time to tak,e a new p'ill and forget a*bou,t allergy! Cholest,ero+l is a fa,t-like mater-ial in you+r blood. And *your -body makes its own, cholester.ol… T,oo much choles.terol in ,your b+ody is a maj_or factor ,for heart d,isease.. Think abo-ut it, man! ,I started* noticing_ certain pr.oblems with po'tency since -I. was 26. I ma+naged to restor*e .it! Asthma _often results +from a+ir polluti,on. But ther-e is a trusted _way* to say Good bye _to as*thma! If .you take medi.cine late yo_u may_ be in pain wh+ile the pa'inkiller ,is absorbed a_nd s*tarts to -work. Loss of- erecti'on is reversible; 'one c-an usually 'return to +a prev'ious level of aro+us_al in some tim,e. If yo'u haven't had *a reac*tion for some tim.e, your+ doctor' may want to ,perform +a food ,challenge. Anti-biotics are' some of *the 'most popular and+ wid'ely used medicat+ions all ove.r the world+! Pain.killer addicti_on is grad'ual,ly becom_ing one of* the most c-ommon for+ms of drug add-iction. Does_ lowerin,g LDL chole_sterol pr-event h-eart attacks, and str'okes? Read more on* cholester_ol. .It is believed ,that 9_0% of 'asthma-related deat-hs ar'e prevent+able, if peop-le use their -in.halers. Learn how 'stres-s and anxie.ty may t-rigger -an asthma _attack. It may save, your li*fe some d_ay! Asthma i*s the lead+ing. cause of chr-onic illness i-n childre.n. ,Protect your -family .today! There is* no cure for. asthma, *but the dis-ease ca*n be con,trolled in 'most patients' with+ good care.* I can not find- the time -for* exercising and coo'king hea-lthy f.ood. Bu+t I hope I wi.ll never ge+t obese! Today, w.hen obesity is o,n the ris*e througho-ut the worl_d you shoul.d be attent*ive to *what you ea*t. The _lesser known 'effects of o_besity may -a*lso include in.fertilit-y, type 2 dia-betes and can,cer. C'holesterol, is a _building block for+ cell memb,ra'nes & horm'ones like estro+gen & te_stosterone. _Non-bre-ast child,ren run a higher+ risk o'f autoimmune- diso*rders and are, more prone -to asthma.. You- want to know w+hether the imp*ote_nce medication .I take wor'ks? Ask my +wife, -she'll- tell! Obesi'ty is a _disease that af,fects 34' percent of a-dults -age 20 and ove+r in' the United* States. Plant.s such ,as poison iv*y, oak and s-umac are t*he most_ common skin a+llergy- triggers. Wat+ch out! ,Both +partners can suffe+r if- erectile dysfun_ction go+es untre+ated. Be .responsible t'o you-r partner.. If you want to g-et +rid of obes*ity changes i-n your ea*ting a-nd activity ha,bits may no*t be ef*fective! One' of th'e most common ,allergy' causes is heredit+ary f*actor! Che.ck your family+ histo*ry now! If y*ou or y*our child- have as'thma symptoms- at night, it is' i_mportant tha,t you tell *your docto'r. Asthma ca_n't be cu'red. Eve-n when you fe,el f.ine, you st-ill have the +disease' and it c,an flare up. C-holest.erol is a waxy, f'at-l_ike subst'ance made -in the liver and f.ound in c_ertain produ.cts. I.t sometime's takes' time and c,are to get t-hings e'xactly r+ight when taking, pain _relief me-dication. When i,t come.s to effective b_ac,terial infections .treatment- what you n*eed is* a good ant.ibiotic. -In fact*, obesit*y increases yo-ur risk of, developing d_iseases. and ev'en death. And tha*t's' not all. Sed+entary p_eople burn fewe.r ca-lories th-an people who s,tay act*ive all the'ir life. It'+s about obesit_y!+ If you want to* get .rid of obesity cha+nge's in your e,ating a-nd activity habi*ts may n*ot be e*ffective! Comm.on asthma s,ymptoms i_nclude' chest tig,htness, shortness. of brea.th and sever'e p.ain. Asthma ,often w.orsens at nig,ht for a few. reas-ons. Do not for.get t+o take your medicin,e .regularly. The-re is n,o place *for impote'nce in your' life! When. are you g,oing to underst'and it, ma_n? Antibio'tics wor-k by attachin.g to some *part of t-he +bacteria and destr+oying -it. Choose y+our d_rug. At w+hat age did- you lose your po-te*ncy? It is never to,o _late to rest.ore it with o*ur medici_ne! If your. ance+stors provide'd you with fre.e tend+ency to 'obesity, yo+u should think a'bout thi*s d'rugs. Find out_ more about thi,s+ practical g_uide to diagn,osing, treatin.g, and *living *well with food a'llergies. ,Is your as,thma _preven*ting you from e'xercisi,ng? It doesn'_t have to! Ke_ep on m.oving! The_ majority o+f well-kno,wn and pop.ular* over-the-counter 'and presc-ription all-er-gy medication! With+ t,oday's treatments., mos+t people who_ have asthma_ are able* to m_anage the disea-se. The *amount of .total fat a *child c+onsumes shoul'd be 30*% or le.ss of daily to'tal food c*alorie,s. The dose of. painkilling dr,ug+s you take- will only have +to be in.creased 'if your' pain gets w_orse. You'll ne,ver get +addict,ed to a painki,ller if+ you con*sult with your _doctor a_nd follow instru'ctions. If- y-ou live in a, big city .and have little_ childre*n you a-re at risk o.f getting il-l with som.e allergy. 'By refu,sing pain medi.cation, yo'u can ac'tua*lly be causing_ your -body to cre-ate more pain. +Too much ch+oleste*rol in *your body is. a major -factor for 'heart disease.+ Think a+bout it, m-an! My lif,estyle is n.ot healthy e.nough but I. am' sure, I'm far' from the. risk of obesi,ty. Eve-rything is .fine. He're are th'e most commo+n causes of o_bes_ity: genetics,. illne+ss, psychology a_nd life-style habits. .Ast_hmatics having se_vere or' near-_fatal asthma att,acks are li+kely to. have +fatal asthma at-tacks. .Healthy eating. habits are+ reaso+nable steps to* ideal we,ight bu_t it is hard+ly effect.ive. Try. this method +The preva-lence of rep.ort'ed food allergy +cases increas+ed 18,% among, children- under age 18 yea,rs. Menopau+se m*ay lead t_o a worsening of+ as_thma symptoms. *Make sure yo,u ar.e ready to t,his. High* blood pres_sure can be c+aused by ,being obese .and overw.eight. *Think abou-t your healt,h! There is_ no place fo'r im+potence i-n your life! When- are yo,u goin,g to understand i_t, man?+ 75 % of+ suicides in *the world a+re ,committed by men w-ho suddenl_y fac,ed potency pr'oblems.. Discover whic-h fo'ods are mo'st likely ,to cause a brea'thin,g problem, & ,take preven*tive ste,ps! I hate my_ extra- weight but I ca,n not g+et rid of i't, no ,matter what I tr'y. I' am ready for s.urgery n-ow! Theophyllin_e has been_ us'ed for some as*thmat'ics in th*e past but is not -us.ed as often anymo+re. It is p_ossi_ble to re,act to a food- withou_t being all.ergic. Make s+ure you .have some 'medications! _Obesit-y & overweigh,t often are tr.aced to *genes', and the brai*n can induce_ appe,tite tendencie*s. Peopl'e nowadays s-earch more f'or pain,kill*er rehab centers t+han' other dru.g or alcohol re+habs. Each* year, all+ergies -account for+ more ,than 17 million o'utpatie-nt office visi'ts, oft+en in spri.ng & fall _Your obesity 'treatment s'hould be p.erfo'rmed only u'nder super*vision of .a health-car,e prof+essional! Tell yo*ur doct,or a-bout all the s*ide effects yo+u obs'erve when t+aking presc+ription pain_killers. -Impo-tence medi,cation is 50%, free thi*s month! Don'+t miss this _amazin*g opportuni,ty! Obe-sity does not ha've to ruin 'your life; ,prop'er exercise a_nd diet c'an ov'ercome it. D+o it now!* You should never. get o*verexcited wh+en st-ruggling with y_our ex'tra kilos+. Act rea.sonably, dude,! Antibiotics -are not rec.ommende*d for a _cold or fl-u, as thi's infectio_ns are caused- by viruses.' If you'v-e ever be,en treated fo*r severe_ pain- you know j*ust how- vital pain medi-cations can+ be. S*wimming i.s an optimal e_xercise f.or those .with asthma.* Thin*k twice be-fore make you.r choice! It's .hard to +think. about th.e time when you ma+y fa+ce impotenc*e and lose yo-ur potency!- Anti.biotics_ work by attaching+ to some p_art of the .bacte-ria an,d destroyi_ng it. Choose* your drug., Misuse _of painkillers ca,n -be extremely harmf'ul a*nd even deadly. .Observ.e docto'r's instructi+ons! Losing, weight shou,ld not be. you'r primary and only+ goa.l when you are. on yo-ur obesity- program*. Obesity is' the result +of the -body's inability +to b'alance calori.e intake and _energy+ expen,diture. Your age,, a.ctivity, ge,nes and psych,ological makeup* deter-mine your ,predisposit'ion to extra .weigh-t! There're s'ome tricks ,that t.hose w-ith asthma can e-mploy that *wil,l help their_ asthma s+ymptoms. This* month we+ provide hu-ge discounts* for our bes.t antibi.otics, so you can sav-e a lot_ buying -it! Look at tha+t vanilla c'ake! Does. it really. loo'ks that tasty? Is .it worth *your+ nice slim figure.? My. lifestyle is not+ healthy+ eno,ugh but I* am sure, I',m far fro.m the risk of obe*si,ty. Everyth.ing is fine. We ne'ed choles,terol, b*ut too much o_f ,it can increase ou_r ri+sk of developi-ng heart .disease. Un.fortu+nately, antib-iotics do 'not cure the c.ommon. cold, flu or *any _other bad- viral in*fections. The,re are no magi_c fo'ods or drinks t+hat can, help you overc,ome _obesity. But *there is one +me,dicine! You are a _luc+ky man & we +have ch,osen you to try o.ur most e-ffec+tive potenc-y booster!+ Women are more .likely to _get extra we*i+ght and ge_t obese than me,n! Make sure y-ou eat ri,ght food! A,pp*roximately 3 m'illion chil+dren+ under age_ 18 years wer'e reported to. have a- food aller'gy. Go,sh! If yo_u are one of our su*bscri_bed custo.mers don''t miss y,our great o.pportunitie.s! Stomac-h upset, nau-sea, and di'arrhea are- the most ,common s,ide effects 'of antibiotic t.reatme'nt. Almost_ 30 mil-lion prescription*s are 'written each y*ear for c'hole-sterol lo*wering drugs,, man. All -the time w,e think a*bout our cus-tomers! T+his unbelievab+le sales ,event prov.es it! Every, man wan,ts to have *ultimat*e sexual power* as long. as possib_le. Bu_t life is tr'icky! The l,esser k+nown effects of* obesity ma+y, include Parki+nson's disea_se, a neurol+ogic,al disorder. Fo-rty perce-nt of non-H+ispanic Bl_acks+ and nearly one+ quarter of' Mexican* American's are o.bese. About 95 pe,r cent of c*hildr.en with pe-rsistent ,asthma still h.ave sym*ptoms in.to their adultho+od._ Listen, 107 .million, or +1 in _5 adults in our 'coun,try, has cho*lesterol *levels a.bove 200 mg/dL. Any+ an'tibiotic can s+uppress the* healthy b_acte.ria in yo'ur colon. Follow d.octor-'s instruct,ions! An.y antibi'otic can suppr-ess the healt.hy bac+teria in yo_ur col_on. Follow doctor'.s in.structions! A 'man having ,an erect,ion is not nec+essarily +read-y for sex. Our bo,dy *often plays 'tricks on. us. Not only .adults're ,affected_ by choleste,rol. Chil-dren may al_so have hig'h c'holesterol ,levels. Smoke .is a power.ful tri,gger of asthma* symptoms. .Take +care of th'e air you bre+athe in.! If you e*xperience repeat_e-d coughing s.pells, an,d your breathing i's noisy- it -may be ast*hma. On many oc.casions,* patients hav_e asked me wh-ether e,xercise wi+ll help p+revent ast_hma. Once you +star.t to de+lve into a ,few obesity fact_s, you may -be surpr,ised to l,earn the' whole truth.. Myth.s about painki+llers of'ten cause fears- a+nd worries an_d may lead ,to pain 'not being con_troll+ed. With today's t'reatme*nts, most _people w*ho have a*sthma are a_ble to manage _the disea+se. If you +take m.edicine late *you may be in' pain while, t'he painki*ller is absorbed a-nd s+tarts to work. Th+e+ more you know, about you*r medicati.on befor,e taking it the b*etter for ,you! _Believ'e me! You have a_ 6% chance of- hav-ing asth_ma if neith*er parent h_as the c-ondition. Ar.e you protec+ted? List*en, 107 mil-lion, .or 1 in 5 adul,ts in our co_untry, *has cholesterol- le'vels above 200_ mg/dL.* Understa+nding the* changes that occ.ur in ast.hma, and+ how it 'can behave+ over time is* vital. O*ral Thrush _Celebrex [celebre'x] (Celeco.xib, Celeb.r'a, Cobix, Celcoxx., Sele-cap, pain) tran_-q Atarax _[atarax] (-Hyd,roxyzine, Alamon,_ Aterax, D+urrax, *Tran-Q_, Orgatrax, Q'uiess, Vistar-il ,Parenteral, *Tranquizine) Har'd On Vi+agra Jelly (-Weekly* Packs) (si,ldenafil., viagra) LDL Cli'ndamycin* Gel [-clindamycinge*l] (Cleocin) ,Phenergan. — -Allergy, Al'lergic Rhin'itis, Va'somotor Rh+initis, Allerg*ic Conj-unctivitis, Urtic.aria, An'gioe.dema, Dermatogr,aphism, Seda+tive, S_leep Ai'd, Nausea, -Motion Sicknes,s O-mnicef — Bact,erial Infect.ions, A_ntibiotic,, Pneumonia, Bro*nchitis Fol_ic Ac+id (Vitamin' B9) valsart'an Diltiaz,em Crea*m (diltiaz-em ointment, dil*tiaz_em cream) Nason_ex (Mome,tasone fu'roate, Momet*asone) 'Bulimia Naltr,exone ('Revia, Dep,ade) Am,antadine *— Influenza A Vi*rus,_ Parkinson''s Dise*ase, Parkinsonis,m, Extrapy.ramidal R_eactions Rhino*cort* (Budesonid*e, Rhinos_ol, budenase) c_et*rine Coreg (Carve'dilol+, Dilatr.end, Eucardic, Ca'rloc)* atroven.t Clozapine- — Schiz'ophrenia, Sc+hizoaffec-tive Disorder, Ps.yc_hosis Motilium _— Nausea, Vo,miting, -Antiem-etic, Dyspepsia, *GERD, *Acid Reflu'x toradol al+lohexal Dron,tal Al.lwormer For_ Cats — Tapew'or,ms, Hookwor.ms, Roundworms, Declomy-cin (Deme.clocycline) Pil,ocarpine' Eye Drops* (salag.en, isopto, pi'lopine, pil'o*car) Suregasm T*ylenol (Pa'racetamol, A,cetamino_phen, ,pain, anacin) *levlen Lith_iu_m [lithium] ('Eskalit.h, Lithobid, Litho-na.te, Lithotabs, Eska_lith-C.R, Lithane, Li,thotabs,, Calith', Camcolit, Ca+rbol.it, Carbolith, Ce.glution, _Ceglution _300_, Duralith, H_ypnorex, Hynor'ex Re_tard, Hyp'onrex, Lentoli,th, Li.cab, Licarb, Lic_arbium, Lid*in, Lilipi'n, -Lilitin, Limas) p'rand.in mobi*cox Zyban (Bupropi+on, We+llbutrin, Am,febuta+mone) Rob'inaxol — Muscl+e Spasms anes.tacon' Cold Sores As+hwagandh.a [ashw.agandha] L_actation gl.ucobay Cordaron,e (A.miodarone,) Boniva (Iban.dronic acid,+ iba'ndronate sodi*um, Bo.ndronat, Bonvi_va, osteopor_osis ) *flamatak Cli-ndamyc'in Gel — Acne, S-kin Heal*th genticyn *Addiction+ Ultram — P,ain, Analg-esi*c Iritis Eye Al-lergy Co.ccidioi-des lanoxi-n obesity Lumig-an (Bimato-prost) 'Pets tocophero.l 20 Pr+opecia_ (Finaster+ide, Pro-scar, Fincar, Finp,ecia,' Finax, Fin.ast, Finara, Fi-n.alo, Prosterid-e, Gefina, _Finaste,rid IVAX-, Finasterid Al*ternova) *1.02% Pro-Ere*x —, Erectile .Dysfunction, Male 'Enha_ncement, Erect-ion*, ED, Impoten.ce negr.amm Vytorin (E'zetimib'e/Simvastatin,* Inegy)' Enures.is lisinopril -vytorin ma,legra dxt (s*ildenafil, + duloxeti-ne) mel_oxicam' Chronic Pain Ult.imat_e Viagra Pack (Via-gr-a + Viagr,a Soft Tabs + Via,gra Oral Je_lly)* — Erecti_le Dysfuncti+on, Male E+nhancemen-t, Erection, Imp,ot,ence Altace '— High Blood P_ressure, H,ypertensio+n, Co,ngestive _Heart Failu,re, Myocardi_al Infarction-, Stroke Lan*oxin (D+igoxin, Digite'k, Digit.alis,_ Lanoxicaps) mec'lastin I'mitre+x (Sumatripta,n, Imigran., pain) Pr-otonix [proto-nix.] (Pantoprazole, *Panto,pan, Protium, -Pantozol, +Pantor,+ Pantoloc, Ast-ropa.n) Infarcti+on Risk Relaxa'tion Ai_d REM Agai,n (sleepin+g aid, sleep *aid,_ sleeping pills, 'sle_epaid) Alphagan (B+rimonidin*e) folic ac+id .(vitamin b9+) dulcola+x Seroquel (.Quetiapine,, Ketipinor) -Maxama'n — Er_ectile Dysfu,nction, Mal+e Enhancement., Erectio_n, ED, I,mpotenc.e Sulfasal*azine (Azulfidine,, Sa'lazopyrin_) Lamictal (La,motrig'ine) Invega [inve+ga] (pal,iperidone+) rheumatrex- Pr_ilosec [pri-losec] (Omeprazole,, A+ntra, Losec) l.ichen planus_ Famv*ir (Famciclo'vir) Manic Ep.is_odes Uroxatral _— Enlarged P'rostat.e, BPH, B-enign Prosta_tic Hyperpl_asia Torad_ol (Ketorola'c, ketorol*ac tromet.hamin.e) norfloxacin He-artgard C-hewable. azathiopr-ine d-worm rio*ban*t toxic shock- syndro_me buspar Ru,malaya (arth*ritis, p'ain) Perip+heral Vasc+ular Di_sease Chronic I,diopathic+ Kerat,oconjunctivitis Si*cca Hyster*ectomy _Enlarg_ed Thyroid Glan_d Tizanid,ine '(Zanaflex,' Sirdalud, p_ain, muscle r-elaxer,, muscle relaxant.) Praz.ivet Plus [-prazivetplus] *(d,rontal plus, -Praziqu,antel, Pyr'antel Pamoate*, Febantel, pr+azi+vet plus) D-iclofenac — P+ain, Arth_ritis, Sp-ondylitis,- Joint S'tiffness,* Joint Swelling- D Danazo-l (Danocrine)* Sunthi — Ay_urved'a, Digest.ion, Indige'stion, Nau.sea, Motion Si'ckness vu_minix A.bilify_ (Aripiprazole,- Arizol, +Arlemide, Bris,king, Ilimi_t, Irazem_, R.eal One) *Sunthi kamagra oral+ jel.ly ribastamin, Predniso+lone — _Asthma, Uvei.tis, Pyoderma_ Gangrenos+um, Rh.eumatoid Arthr+itis, Ulce+rati-ve Colitis, Tempor+al _Arteritis, Crohn',s D,isease, Bell's* Palsy, Mult.iple Scl.erosis, C*luster, Headaches, Va_sculitis,* Acute Ly*mphobla'stic Leukemia, Auto-immune' Hepati'tis, Sys,temic Lupus* Erythemato+sus, Dermatom,yositis Avapro. (Irbesar*tan*, Aprovel, ,Karvea) W'omen's Healt'h Female 'Rx Plus Oil Asend'in -(amoxapine, A+sendis, D_efanyl', Demolox, Moxadil+) Fatbl+ast (Weight .Loss,, diet, diet pills-) .Clindamycin Gel — *Acne, Ski+n Heal-th Verapamil — *Hi.gh Blood P-ressure, Hyper*tension', Angina, Arrhyt*hmia *FML [fml] (fluo+romethol,one) _Acid Refl'ux potassiu*m citrate Sere_vent [serev.ent] (salm+etero_l) Hemoly'tic Anemia T*inea Pedis Fron,tier (-Frontline) 22-4,4 -lbs — Pets,_ Fleas, Ticks .minoxidil Com*bivir — H'IV cardu+ra cele,stone Anal.gesic Hepatiti_s B Foot Care- Cr,eam [foot-carecream] A,maryl (g.limepiride) 16 Vi.agra So'ft Tabs (Si-ldenafi,l citrate) *1.25% Trent_al (Pentoxi*fylline,. Pent,oxil) amox.in vibra-tabs Fl+urbi+profen Eye Dro*ps (Ocufen) r'elafen An_tabuse (D_isulfi-ram, Antabus) ur'opyrine H-air Loss *maqui_ne Pyelonephriti's kidney .function C+ialis .Super Acti+ve+ (Tadalafi*l) Hyzaa*r (losar*tan + hydrochlor-thiazi-de) (Losarta_n, Hyd,rochlorothiaz'ide) Pain aceta-minophen